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Fin Fit Investments is a dynamic Social Enterprise founded in Namibia with a passionate commitment to transforming lives and organizations through its innovative financial wellness and consultancy solutions. Established as a response to the pressing financial challenges faced by Namibians due to current and historical economic and social difficulties, Fin Fit is driven by co-founders with a wealth of experience and expertise.


Financially capable and
disciplined people, families,
businesses and communities
in Namibia.


Educate, develop and
support Individuals,
Communities, MSME
Owners, Employees and
Institutions to Consciously
Achieve Financial Stability.

Our Team

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I am a social innovator, professional trainer and entrepreneur that has over 18-years leadership experience in the information technology industry, 10-years’ leadership experience in the business development/ entrepreneurial sector and 15-years leadership experience in the community development sector.


I have qualifications in Computer Technologies, Business Information Systems, Cisco Certified Networking, Personal Growth & Counselling and Psychosocial Support.


I love community work, research, arts, technological innovations, culture and immersing in nature. I am a self-made systems thinker, ecosystems designer and platform-based business developer.



He is a financially literacy and wellness expert in Namibia and was the first manager of the National Financial Literacy Initiative with more than 15 years experience.


He worked on the development of financial education materials and programs, the national financial literacy capability survey, school programs, start-up festival, governance and much more.


He joined the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as the Manager of the Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI). Later he joined the Ministry of Finance as the Deputy Director for Financial Education and Consumer Protection where he gained many new responsibilities in addition to remaining the FLI Manager.


​He finished his MBA and continuously engages in capacity development, innovation and MSME development.

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An accomplished Neuro-linguistic Practitioner, brings her expertise in mental and emotional mastery to the realm of financial wellness. Her background in educational psychology, with a focus on child development and socio-emotional intelligence, enriches her approach to financial therapy. As the founder of Kings & Queens Academy, Charlene integrates her knowledge of learning and reading difficulties into her practice. Her experience as a speaker on educational development, both on Hartklop FM/NBC radio and NBC TV, underscores her commitment to holistic development. In her role, Charlene leverages neuro-linguistic techniques to empower individuals in their financial journeys, offering specialized consultancy services that blend her diverse skills for impactful financial therapy.

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